acquaint oneself withの例文


  1. To acquaint oneself with the rebels for even a few days is to discover the formula for an insurrection : Kill a boy's kin, take a man's cattle, and a rebel is born.


  1. "acquafresca"の例文
  2. "acquah"の例文
  3. "acquaint"の例文
  4. "acquaint her with"の例文
  5. "acquaint herself with"の例文
  6. "acquaint sb.with"の例文
  7. "acquaint themselves with"の例文
  8. "acquaint with"の例文
  9. "acquaint yourself with"の例文
  10. "acquaintance"の例文
  11. "acquaint her with"の例文
  12. "acquaint herself with"の例文
  13. "acquaint sb.with"の例文
  14. "acquaint themselves with"の例文

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